How Stay Safe Began
As a former police officer, I always took the duty / responsibility of protecting all persons to heart. Upon responding to incidents involving violence and especially when dealing with victims and/or survivors of violent crime, it became apparent to me, that in a large number of cases:
1) the offender was known, and,
2) despite obvious signs, a perception of risk was not perceived.
I was perplexed by this experience and often thought how preventable incidents like this could have been if people had some simple yet effective measures to identify risk and be able to respond in a manner to protect themselves and others. As a result, and upon the conclusion of my policing career in 2001, I started providing ‘awareness” seminars and simple programs respecting personal ‘safety options’. This culminated into the creation of ‘Stay Safe’, a company dedicated to the education and safety of others to be able to recognize risk and to be able to apply simple yet effective measures to staying safe at home, work – anywhere.